Thursday, February 28, 2013

All new experiences

As El and I were playing today, and she was getting a little fussy, I thought about the fact that she might just be getting bored with our routine.  Our house is small, so we really have just the livingroom to hang out in, and after spending almost all day, every day in there, I have to imagine it gets tiresome for a developing mind.  So I thought it would be a fun mix if we played on the bed for a little while.  It wasn't.  El became just as bored.  But then it hit me - El has never experienced the awesomeness of a blanket cave before.

She didn't hate it, and it held her interest for a solid twenty minutes, so I call that one a win.  Watching her kick at the blanket and tug on it with her hands made me think about the endless list of things I'll get to watch her experience for the first time, and that's a pretty awesome thought.

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