Wednesday, February 27, 2013

El is so smart (And SAHD Tip Fourteen)

Alright, I'm not saying my daughter is a genius or anything, but she's pretty darn smart.  Mom and I have been sitting her at the table in her highchair while we eat dinner for the last week or so.  We thought it would be a good way to familiarize her with dinner before we started introducing solid foods.  She even played around with a spoon while we ate (which she mostly gagged herself with).  This past Monday saw her first experience with solids.  Like rebels, we decided to go with bananas as opposed to cereal.  By last night, El was already an old hand at this whole eating thing:

You can probably tell from her face that she's still not sure if she likes bananas.  But every time we hold the spoon out, she gets excited and takes it.

The first post-banana diaper wasn't too bad, but we still haven't had a dirty one today.  I live in fear.

SAHD Tip Fourteen - You know your kid.  Seriously.  You've been home with her all day, every day.  You know her.  So when she's crying and it's not her usual naptime or feeding time, you know, instinctively, what's bothering her, so trust your gut.  Don't think, "But you only ate two hours ago.  You can't be hungry again.  What's wrong?"  If she's acting the way she gets when she's hungry, she's probably hungry.  This is a lesson I've had a hard time learning.  El took so easily to a napping and feeding schedule that I immediately assume the worst when she's off of it.  But here's the kicker - babies are weird.  They'll change their schedule just to screw with you.  So when they're upset, go with your gut as to what's wrong.  You're probably right.

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