Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Where does the time go? And SAHD Tip Thirteen

Wow. . .it's been two weeks.  Time got away from me there.  My wife was on school vacation, so you'd think that with us splitting Eleanor duties I'd have more time to blog, but I found myself unable to do it.  Not having to do something breeds laziness, I guess?  Anyway, it's been an interesting two weeks.  El is continuing to develop and grow into this awesome, smiley, cheerful little person.  Being on the ground doesn't hold her interest for very long, but she does love her jumperoo.

She's even figured out that she can keep her feet closer together to stand up taller and reach the toys that are further away, but if she spreads her feet apart then she can bounce lower before her feet hit the floor.  She's wicked smaht.  I remember when we first started putting her in that contraption, she would play with a few of the toys and look at us with a "Now what?" expression.  Now she bounces all over the place.

SAHD Tip Thirteen - Parenting can be rough, and sometimes you're going to have to do things not very pleasant for you, your child, and your partner.  Do what you have to do for their health and well-being, and take solace in the fact that you're helping them (whether they realize it or not).  Case in point - a few nights ago, El was very stuffy and it was keeping her awake.  The only way to rectify the situation was to put some saline drops in her nose (which she hates) and clear her nostrils with an aspirator (which she hates more).  She's recently learned how to shake her head back and forth, so this also required that I hold her head down while she screamed bloody murder at two in the morning.  El fell asleep shortly thereafter, and the next morning was her smiley, playful self.

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