Tuesday, January 8, 2013

SAHD Tips One, Two and Three

So to the main idea behind this blog.  I've been doing this thing for about a week, and I've found a few things to be true.  So let's get to it:

SAHD Tip One - Don't ever think to yourself, "This bottle's only been in the fridge a day, it's gotta be fine."  Because it won't be fine.  It'll be spoiled, your child won't realize it until she's two ounces in, throw up on your shoulder, and cry.  And you will feel terrible.  So now I make sure I give each bottle a sniff, both before and after I warm it up.

SAHD Tip Two - Don't ever tell your four month old, "You're really half-assing it," because she can and will cry louder.

SAHD Tip Three - If you have a crying baby on your shoulder, pressing your ear firmly against the side of her head will muffle the sound and make it more bearable.  Just watch out for sudden head movements, because smacking her head against yours WILL make her cry more.

Looking at these three grouped together, I suddenly realized how much of my day now revolves around efforts to either prevent a tiny person from crying, or getting her to stop crying.  El is definitely a happy baby, but when you've got a dad who's still not entirely sure what he's doing, crying is bound to happen.


  1. I've found that car rides can be a godsend. Every Sunday morning my son and I hop in the car, grab a coffee, and go for a drive together. He'll sleep for a little bit and when he's awake I'll talk to him and tell him stories. Our longest one, so far, is just over 2hrs.

  2. To start, El hated the car. She'd cry the entire way to and from our destination. Now she seems cool with it. Provided the car doesn't stop. If she's still awake, I dread those stretches of road where you hit every red light.
