Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Someone's in the kitchen with Daddy. . .plus another SAHD tip!

Today was a cooking day.  El and I went out shopping first thing in the morning, and I have to tell you - that's the time to do it.  You get all of the fresh, good stuff and there are no lines.  Anyway, then we spent a good chunk of the day in the kitchen, making my new go-to dish, kale soup, and an apple pie, which was a surprise for Mom.  El may be darn cute, but she's no help in the kitchen.

Also, she's getting big.  I know, I know, most parents say "Oh, my baby is getting so big!"  "When did you get so big?"  But here's a picture of my 4 1/2 month old in a 12 month outfit:

 And it's not that big on her.  She does pull it off, though.

SAHD Tip Nine - Leaky diapers, or as Mom and I like to call them, poop-splosions, are unavoidable.  The worst is when you have one happen in something that has to be pulled up over your kid's head.  I've found the best approach is to roll the clothing up over the splosion before pulling it over her head.  The outfit will get extra messy, but at least your kid won't have poop in their hair.

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