Thursday, January 10, 2013

Shot through the leg, and you're to blame

Today was El's four month checkup, and her second round of shots.  Now, her two month visit happened while I was at work, so I missed the first round of shots.  But my new SAHD duties definitely include doctor's visits.  Bummer. . .I was hoping to only get the fun stuff.  Mom met us at the doctor's office, as it's just down the road from work, so I didn't have to ride this one out solo.  Turns out it wasn't too bad.  For El, at least.

I found the hardest part was when I loaded her up into her car seat, she looked at me with those loving, innocent, trusting eyes, and I knew that I was taking her to get stabbed in the legs.  It got me.  Still, it was necessary, so pack her up I did and off we went.  After the weighing and measuring (turns out she's 17.2 pounds and 25 1/4" long), our doctor told us how great she is and what a good job we're doing, and then called in the nurses to give her the shots.  That's one thing I definitely appreciate about our doctor's office - they send in two people to give the shots, so they can give the kids both at the same time and not draw out the stabbing.  She took the shots like a champ, though.  There were definitely tears, but she calmed down almost as soon as Mom picked her up.  The nurse who gave her the shots even got a smile from her.  So two rounds of shots down, so many left. 

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